Academic Publications

Year Peer-reviewed Research Paper
2021 Clyne et al. (2021). Use of LANDSAT-8 OLI Imagery and Local Indigenous Knowledge for Eelgrass Mapping in Eeyou Istchee. ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences 53: 15-22. DOI: 10.5194/isprs-annals-V-3-2021- 15-2021.
2022 de Melo, M. et al. (2022). Patterns in riverine carbon, nutrient and suspended solids to the Eastern James Bay: links to climate, hydrology and landscape. Biogeochemistry. DOI: 10.1007/s10533-022-00983-z
2022 Fink-Mercier et al. (2022). Concentrations and yields of total Hg and MeHg in large Boreal rivers to water and wetland coverage in the watersheds. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 127(5), e2022JG006892. DOI: 10.1029/2022JG006892
2022 Fink-Mercier et al. (2022). Hydrology and seasonality shape the coupling of dissolved Hg and methyl Hg with DOC in boreal rivers in northern Québec. Water Resources Research, e2022WR033036. DOI: 10.1029/2022WR033036
2022 Giroux et al. (2022). Canada Goose populations harvested in Eastern James Bay by Eeyou Istchee Cree hunters. Avian Conservation and Ecology, 17(1):5. DOI:10.5751/ACE-170105.
2022 Leblanc et al. (2022). Limited recovery following a massive seagrass decline in subarctic eastern Canada. Global Change Biology. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.16499
2022 Mabit et al. (2022). Empirical remote sensing algorithms to retrieve SPM and CDOM in Québec coastal waters. Frontiers in Remote Sensing. DOI: 10.3389/ frsen.2022.834908
2022 Peck et al. (2022). Under-ice hydrography of the La Grande River plume in relation to a ten-fold increase in wintertime discharge. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 127, e2021JC018341. DOI: 10.1029/2021JC018341
2022 Singh et al. (2022). Satellite-derived photosynthetically available radiation at the coastal arctic seafloor. Remote Sens. 14, 5180. DOI: 10.3390/rs14205180
2023 Évard et al. (2023) Regulated vs. Unregulated rivers: impacts on CDOM dynamics in the eastern James Bay. Marine Chemistry, 256, 104309. DOI: 10.1016/j.marchem.2023.104309
2023 Sorais et al. (2023). Migration patterns and habitat use by molt migrant Canada Geese in James Bay, Canada, Wildlife Biology, e1062. DOI: 10.1002/wlb3.01062
2024 Jeffery et al. (2024) Variation in genomic vulnerability to climate change across temperate populations of eelgrass (Zostera marina). Evol Appl. 2024 Apr 21;17(4):e13671. DOI: 10.1111/eva.13671
2024 Idrobo et al. (2024). The “Turning Point” for the fall goose hunt in Eeyou Istchee: a social-ecological regime shift from an Indigenous knowledge perspective. Human Ecology. DOI: 10.1007/s10745-024-00499-0
2024 Giroux et al. (2024). Bridging Cree knowledge and Western science to understand the decline in hunting success of migratory Canada geese. Socio-Ecological Practice Research. DOI: 10.1007/s42532-024-00182-0
2024 Fink-Mercier et al. (2024) Cree-driven community-partnered research on coastal ecosystem change in subarctic Canada: a multiple knowledge approach, Arctic Science. Just-IN
2024 Davis et al. (2024). Effects of light and water column nutrients on eelgrass (Zostera marina) productivity in Eeyou Istchee, eastern James Bay, Quebec. MEPS, 738, 103-117. DOI: 10.3354/meps14605
2024 Clyne et al. (2024). Use of Landsat imagery time-series and random forests classifier to reconstruct eelgrass bed distribution maps in Eeyou Istchee. Remote Sensing. Remote Sensing, 16, 2717. DOI:10.3390/rs16152717
2021 Baudin M.-A. Variations spatiales de la composition taxonomique et pigmentaire du phytoplancton de l’est de la baie James durant l’été. Micro-thèse, Université du Québec à Rimouski, September 2021.
2021 Mabit R. (2021) Télédétection optique des eaux côtières du Québec, Master’s thesis, Université du Québec à Rimouski. 89 p.
2022 Lachapelle. F. Analyse de la variabilité spatiale et temporelle des composantes optiques dans les eaux côtières de la Baie James. Mémoire de baccalauréat. Université du Québec à Rimouski, May 2022.
2022 Clyne K. (2022). Temporal Monitoring of Zostera marina Along the Eastern Coast of James Bay Utilizing Multispectral Landsat Imagery and Random Forests Classifier. Master’s thesis, University of New Brunswick. 86 p.
2022 Costanzo R. (2022). Étude de la variabilité spatio- temporelle des apports d’eau douce dans la baie James. Master’s thesis, ISMER, Université du Québec à Rimouski. 188p.
2022 Fink-Mercier, C. (2022). Contôles biogéochimiques des concentrations et exports de mercure (Hg) dans les grandes rivières nordiques. Master’s thesis, Université du Québec à Montréal. 122 p.
2022 Guzzi, A. (2022). Freshwater and nutrient distribtions in contrasting coastal domains of Hudson Bay and James Bay. Master’s thesis, University of Manitoba. 163 p.
2022 Richer, L. (2022). Condition physiologique des herbiers de zostères (Zostera marina) selon la distribution des nutriments sur la côte oriental de la Baie James (Québec, Canada). Master’s thesis, ISMER, Université de Rimouski. 72 p.
2022 Olatunji, A. (2022). Use of Satellite Imagery for Monitoring Canada and Brant Geese Habitat Changes in Eeyou Itschee (James Bay, Québec), Master’s thesis, University of New Brunswick, 97 p.
2023 Bonga Nyetem M.D. (2023). Étude des variations spatio-temporelles de la salinité le long de la côte est de la Baie-James (Québec). Master’s thesis, Université du Québec à Rimouski.
2024 Évrard A. (2024). Chromophoric dissolved organic matter in the eastern JB: Distribution, photoreactivity, and tracer of freshwater source. Master’s thesis, Université du Québec à Rimouski.
In Progress Baudin M.-A. (in progress). Variabilité spatio- temporelle du phytoplancton le long de la côte est de la baie James. Master’s thesis, Université du Québec à Rimouski.
In Progress Peck, C. (in progress). On the coastal oceanography of eelgrass bed habitats in the seasonally ice-covered east coast of James Bay. PhD thesis, University of Manitoba.
In Progress Stocking, M. (in progress) Sedimentation and organic carbon sources and accumulation in coastal habitats of East James Bay, Quebec. Master’s thesis, University of Manitoba.
In Progress Walch, D. (in progress). Optical Water Quality in Contrasting Arctic Coastscapes and Implications for Macrophytes using Ocean Colour Remote Sensing. Ph.D thesis, Université du Québec à Rimouski.
2023 Kuzyk et al. (2023). Understanding Shkaapaashkw (ᔑᑳᐹᔥᒄᐦ): Eelgrass Health and Goose Presence in Eastern James Bay. Final Report from the Eeyou Coastal Habitat Comprehensive Research Project (CHCRP). Prepared for Niskamoon Corporation. University of Manitoba, Winnipeg MB Canada. The document can be downloaded at: https://canwin-datahub.
